Creating an API key

In order to perform an integration in any of our services, you must have an API key. The first step is to create an API key, we have a detailed guide on how to do it using our dashboard (recomended), or via API.

Creating API keys via Dashboard

We strongly recommend creating your API keys this way. Once you are in our product dashboard:

  1. Go to the sidebar menu and click the API keys option. You are going to be redirected to our API Key dashboard. API key dashboard
  2. Clic the button Create API key. Users must be authorized by its organization to create API Keys.
  3. Fill the form displayed, give an API Key Name to your API Key, choose its Version (Version 1 recommended) and a Billing Hub.
  4. Click the Create button. The API key will be shown.
  5. You must copy the API Key and keep it safe as it will not be displayed again.
  6. Close the modal and use your API Key to perform integrations in our services.

Creating API keys via API

Once you have gotten your first API key using our dashboard, you can perform all your requests using the same key. However, if your operation requires requests from multiple company areas or are created from different applications or services, you might want to create more API keys.

In order to create a new API key using an API client, you must follow these steps:

  1. Create a POST request to the URL
  2. Create a Header named Truora-API-Key, set its value to your API key.
  3. Set the value for Content-Type header as application/x-www-form-urlencoded.
  4. Set the following key : values within the request body:
    • key_type: Represents how the services are going to be used. For example: backend.
    • key_name: Required for backend key types only. For example: backend_key.
    • api_key_version: Represents the version of the API to be used. We strongly recommend using the value: 1.
    • billing_hub: In the event you are using billing hubs, you can associate the API key with a billing hub, for example: sales.