Migration to new production environment step-by-step

1. Switch the old endpoints for the new production environment endpoints. The following table shows the respective new production endpoint for each old endpoint:

Old endpoint New production environment endpoint
api.truora.com/v1/checks/ api.checks.truora.com/v1/checks/
api.truora.com/v1/continuous-checks/ api.checks.truora.com/v1/continuous-checks/
api.truora.com/v1/behavior/ api.checks.truora.com/v1/behavior/
api.truora.com/v1/reports/ api.checks.truora.com/v1/reports/
api.truora.com/v1/counters/ api.account.truora.com/v1/counters/
api.truora.com/v1/config/ api.checks.truora.com/v1/config/
api.truora.com/v1/consumer-requests/ api.checks.truora.com/v1/consumer-requests/
api.truora.com/v1/feedback/ api.checks.truora.com/v1/behavior/
api.truora.com/v1/history-reports/ api.checks.truora.com/v1/history-reports/
api.truora.com/v1/metrics/ api.checks.truora.com/v1/metrics/
api.truora.com/v1/account/ api.account.truora.com/v1/account/
api.truora.com/v1/hooks/ api.account.truora.com/v1/hooks/
api.truora.com/v1/account/api-keys/ api.account.truora.com/v1/api-keys/
api.truora.com/v1/account/api-keys-versions/ api.account.truora.com/v1/api-keys-versions/

2. Once all calls to old endpoints have been updated in your code and you are ready to deploy, we strongly advise to deploy all changes at once.

Deploying all at once may not be viable, in this case we recommend deploying all API requests with GET calls before those with POST calls provisionally.

The reason for this is that all data stored in the old environment is automatically migrated to the new one. Thus it’s possible to read information generated from POST requests to old endpoints using the new environment GET endpoints, but not the other way around.

Keep in mind that this migration process is not instantaneous and can lead to some 404 errors due to synchronization delays. You can opt to retry the GET requests when encountering 404 errors as a workaround but the definitive and recommended solution is to simply use the new production endpoints for both POST and GET requests.