
You’ve found the Truora Documentation! These pages are dedicated to showing you all the ways that you can use Truora’s products. Whether you’re looking to perform a background validation on your new clients or employees, get automatic notifications related to the changes on this background validations, get even stronger security for your company with products to detect fraud, Truora has something for you.

This page gives a broad presentation of Truora’s content documentation, so that you know where to start or where to look if you need info on a specific feature.

Truora’s API is organized around REST. Our API has predictable resource-oriented URLs, accepts form-encoded request bodies, returns JSON-encoded responses, and uses standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs.

About the documentation

This documentation is continuously written, corrected, edited, and revamped by the Truora team, so the information here always is going to be constantly updated. However, if you find a typo or something that should be fixed, feel free to send an email to

Here, we present general guides, explanations and step-by-step walkthroughs that will help you integrate and use Truora’s APIs and products in the best way possible. Also, we provide links to the interactive API references to understand the REST API specifics (endpoints, methods, parameters, etc...).

Organization of the documentation

This documentation is organized in sections in the left side menu, with 3 main parts:

  • The General section contains this introduction with information about the documentation and it also contains the frequently asked questions.
  • The Getting Started section contains information and guides to setup your Truora API integration, with step by step tutorials.
  • The Products section contains subsections on each Product that Truora offers. Each product subsection contains guides about understanding that product as a whole, the best ways to use it and the relation it has with other products. Also, each product includes a link to our interactive API Reference.


Truora provides a Postman collection online that is fully documented and includes the necessary tools to simplify the testing process.

Please note that you will need an API key for your test, which can be generated in the Truora dashboard.