Declined Reasons Details

Whenever a validation fails due to inconsistencies in the validation process, the API provides a declined reason to indicate the specific reason for the failure. Each validator has its own list of declined reasons:

Document Validation decline reasons

Declined reason Description
age_above_threshold is used when the person is older than 100 years.
blurry_image is used when the document is illegible.
damaged_document is used when the document was marked as too deteriorated via manual review.
data_not_match_with_government_database is used when the government database check fails.
date_of_birth_does_not_match_with_photo is used when date of birth does not match the age.
document_has_expired is used when the document has expired.
document_is_a_photo_of_photo is used when a document is photo of photo.
document_is_a_photocopy is used when document is a photocopy.
document_not_recognized is used when a document is not recognized in the picture.
document_unregistered is used when the person was not found in the government databases.
empty_input_file when file size is 0 bytes.
face_not_clear when the face in the document is not clear enough.
face_not_detected is used when the face was not found in the document.
front_document_not_found when the detection model couldnt identify the front document on image.
front_side_document_is_a_photocopy is used when document is a photocopy.
government_database_unavailable is used when the government database is unavailable.
identity_belongs_to_dead_person is used when the government validation found identity is of a dead person.
image_face_validation_not_passed is used when the image analysis doesn't pass.
image_text_validation_not_passed is used when the image analysis doesn't pass.
incomplete_document is used when document is incomplete or could not be viewed completely.
inconsistent_delegate_signature is used when delegate's signature does not meet standard conditions.
inconsistent_parent_names is used when initials separating the mother's and father's names is illegible.
invalid_curp is used when the curp does not match with the one generated by us.
invalid_document_number is used when the document number is invalid or has an invalid format.
invalid_format_for_naturally_field is used when the naturally field is different from the standard.
invalid_image_format is used when image format is invalid.
invalid_inputs_to_create_check is used when check inputs are invalid.
invalid_issue_date is used when it is an invalid issue date.
invalid_ministry is used when the ministry on the CNH does not match the active ministry at the time.
invalid_mrz is used when the MRZ does not match with the info in the labels.
invalid_mrz_format is used when the MRZ format is invalid.
invalid_postal_code is used when the postal code is invalid.
invalid_qr_content is used when the QR content does not match with the document fields.
missing_security_elements is used when the document doest not have the standard security elements.
irregular_alignments is used the data contained in the document do not match the standards.
irregular_fonts is used when the fonts used in the document are irregular.
manual_review_failed is a manual review failed wildcard.
max_retries_reached is used when reached the retries numbers allow.
missing_accents is used when the document lacks accents or other minor characteristics.
missing_coat_of_arms is used when coat of arms is illegible.
missing_cpf is used when CPF number is illegible
missing_date_of_birth is used when date of birth wasn't found
missing_document_number is used when doc number is missing
missing_expiration_date is used when the expiration date is not found.
missing_gender is used when gender wasn't found.
missing_inputs_to_create_check is used when inputs are missing.
missing_issue_agency is used when issuing agency is illegible.
missing_issue_date is used when issue date is missing.
missing_issue_deparment is used when deparment is illegible.
missing_issue_state is used when issuing state is illegible.
missing_legal_institute_perforation is used when the document has irregular perforations.
missing_mrz is used when mrz wasn't found.
missing_municipality_name is used when municipality name wasn't found.
missing_names is used when names weren't found.
missing_nationality is used when mrz wasn't found.
missing_national_registrar is used when national registrar wasn't found.
missing_neighborhood is used when neighborhood wasn't found.
missing_origin_document is used when the origin where the document has been issued is illegible.
missing_pay_limit_date is used when pay limit date wasn't found.
missing_postal_code is used when postal code wasn't found.
missing_production_data is used when production data wasn't found.
missing_registration_number is used when registration number is illegible.
missing_security_elements is used when the ID card is missing security elements.
missing_state_name is used when state name wasn't found.
missing_street is used when street weren't found.
missing_text is used when some field needed in validation cannot be found.
national_registrar_inconsistency is used when national registrar has inconsistency with document issue date.
no_face_detected when a face can't be detected in a document.
ocr_failed is used when the OCR fails.
ocr_no_text_detected when OCR doesn't detect any text on the image.
perforations_illegible is used when the perforations are illegible.
portrait_photo_illegible is used when the portrait photo is illegible.
portrait_photo_is_fake is used when the face picture is modified or fake.
possible_fraud is used when a possible fraud was detected via manual review.
production_data_inconsistency is used when production data has inconsistency between document data.
production_data_invalid_format is used when production data has invalid format.
reverse_document_not_found when the detection model couldn't identify the reverse document on image.
reverse_side_document_is_a_photocopy is used when document is a photocopy.
traces_of_tampering is used when the photo have evidence of tampering.
underage is used when the person is under the legal age.
validations_failed is used when one or more declined reasons fails.

Face Recognition Enrollment declined reasons

Declined reason Description
no_face_detected Indicates the face was not detected.
face_in_blocklist Indicates the face being enrolled is in the client's blocklist.
file_format_not_supported Indicates the image file format is not supported.

Face Recognition declined reasons

Declined reason Description
actions_not_in_expected_order Indicates the liveness actions were not performed in the expected order.
faces_are_too_similar Indicates that the same image was used for both the enrollment and validation process.
file_format_not_supported Indicates that the file uploaded has a file format that is not supported.
fraudster_face_match_in_client_collection Indicates that the face matched a fraudster face registered in the Truface client collection.
invalid_file_format Indicates the file uploaded has an invalid format.
liveness_verification_not_passed Indicates liveness actions were not detected.
no_face_detected Indicates no faces were detected in the video.
passive_liveness_verification_not_passed Indicates that the passive liveness verification was not successful.
invalid_video_file Indicates that the file uploaded is not a valid video file.
photo_of_photo Indicates that validation was performed with a photo on other device or it is a document picture.
similarity_threshold_not_passed Indicates the similarity between the face in the video and the one in the picture is less than the defined threshold.
user_face_match_in_client_collection Indicates that the face matched an user face registered in the Truface client collection.

TruFace declined reasons

Declined reason Description
fraudster_face_match_in_client_collection Indicates the face match with client fraudster collection.
risky_face_detected Indicates the face was detected to be of high risk. In order to obtain this declined reason in the response please Contact Us.
user_face_match_in_client_collection Indicates the face match with client user collection.

Email Validation declined reasons

Declined reason Description
wrong_verification_code Indicates the verification code provided does not match the one sent to the email.
email_not_valid_verdict Indicates the email provided is considered risky.

Phone Validation declined reasons

Declined reason Description
wrong_verification_code Indicates the verification code provided does not match the one sent to the phone.
phone_number_out_of_coverage Indicates the phone number provided is out of coverage of carrier.

Geolocation declined reasons

Declined reason Description
geolocation_denied Indicates when the process finished because user declines permission for geolocation services.
vpn_detected Indicates when the process finished because the system detects the use of a Virtual Private Network (VPN) by the user.

Front-end only declined reasons

Declined reason Description
not_used When the user leaves at the beginning of the process without activating any validation
process_started_late When the process was started 3 minutes before expiring. Most likely the client did not had enough time to finish the flow.
no_document_media_uploaded When the process expires because the user did not upload the document files for the document validation step.
no_face_media_uploaded When the process expires because the user did not upload the the selfie or video for the face validation step.
no_media_uploaded When the process expires because the user did not upload the required file for the step.
not_answered_question When the process expires because the user did not answer a question in the WhatsApp conversation.
manual_review_not_performed When the process expires and the manual review is not completed.
abandoned_without_using_retries When the user abandons the process after making one or more validation attempts, but does not use all retries.
validation_not_finished When the process expires with some validation pending.
validation_expired When we have a validation within the flow that has expired and the process also expires.
user_process_postponed When the process finished because user chooses to postpone a process.